Challenge Starts in:

If You've Ever Felt out of control... 
that food is your enemy... 
or struggled to put on a pair of jeans...
forbes riley hears you... 
          she's been there too.
The answer isn't another fad diet (maybe you've already tried those..) 

It's not eating only green things or spending all your time exercising. 

The key to success is having the most amazing accountability partner out there, Forbes Riley!  She'll walk the walk with you as you change your life for the better and end  unhealthy cycles once and for all.

Diets don’t work, but Forbes Riley does!

You’ve heard of Paleo, Keto, Atkins, etc… But what if  another fad diet wasn’t the answer to better health? 

What you really need is an incredible accountability partner to help you reach your goals. 

Forbes Riley has been there and done that. She walks the walk and is going to take you under her wing to help you succeed on EVERY level.

Summer is coming…

And if you can’t stand the way you look in the mirror, then it’s going to be hard to put on a swimsuit and enjoy the season. 

It’s time to take back your body and feel great. 

Through this challenge you’ll be tracking things using Forbes Riley's E.A.T. Journal.  This simple and quick approach will create measurable progress and get you REAL results, FAST!

Stop “should”ing all over yourself.

Work directly with Forbes Riley and put an end to...
  • I "should" lose more weight.
  • I "should" eat healthier.
  • I "should"…. (fill in the blank here)
Crushing your "shoulds" starts right here, NOW!

It’s time to take ACTION and break the cycle. 

There’s no better time than right now.

Shutting down your “shoulds” will put you on the success path for everything you want in life. 

This challenge will put you on track to realize your true (and AMAZING!) potential. The person you were MADE to be!

Here’s everything you get when you join 
the EAT Journal Challenge:

6 LIVE Zoom Sessions with Forbes Riley

 Forbes is going to bring her incredibly motivating talents and keep you accountable to help you achieve the results that you deserve!
Value: $3000

Printable Forbes Riley E.A.T. Journal Workbook

Track only the things that matter and see real progress in this quick, inspiring, and easy to use journal.
Value: $97

Lifetime Access to the E.A.T. Journal Course

Go through the program again and again and relive the life-changing moments you’ll experience live during the course!
Value: $997

Private Facebook Group Access

Your community and support network who’s always available for any questions you have along this exciting journey.
Value: $497

BONUS: 7th LIVE Celebration Session

We’ll see you at this powerful and fun session at the end because we are committed to getting you results. Let’s do this thing!
Value: $1000


That’s right. You’re friend get’s fully free access to go through this with you and be an additional accountability partner. (Why not split the investment 50/50?!!)

Value: $5000

The E.A.T. Challenge Guarantee

100% Money-back guarantee. If you don’t achieve your goals after participating in all activities and filling out your journal, we will happily refund your purchase in full.


Is this right for me?
Eat is not a diet problem but a weight loss accountability training designed to help anyone wanting to make a positive , healthy change in their life.  It is always advised to check with your doctor before starting any problem.
How is this approach different than standard dieting?
DIETs don't work because they are restrictive and are created to be something you GO on, and GO off.  The eat journal is about creating a positive relationship with food and a healthy lifestyle you will have forever.  
When can I expect to start seeing results?
From the moment you commit to the eat challenge you will see results.  You attitude is the first thing to change and since its not a diet, but an exciting adventure supported by Forbes Riley and her team, you will begin to smile.  Happy people are healthy people. Then when you begin to write down your food daily, you will become aware and begin to make positive, conscious choices.  
Why is this only being offered one time?
The one-time aspect of this training is that FORBES RILEY will be offering this training LIVE and you get to invite a friend for free.
You will also have lifetime access to all the videos and the trainings.  If you miss THIS ONE TIME special offer, you will be able to get the eat journal and the online course - but you won't have PRICELESS live interaction with Forbes!
How will Forbes hold me accountable?
After decades of struggling to master her own weight issues, Forbes created the eat journal.  It is ALL about accountability.  From the daily journaling of WHAT you eat, to the creative exercises helping to uncover WHY you eat - and THEN for 7 consecutive weeks, Forbes will be LIVE with you on ZOOM, answering questions, providing inspiration and making sure YOU stick to your commitment!
Will this be overwhelming?
NOT AT ALL!  Think about it, Forbes has a packed schedule and SHE is making time for this!!  It takes just 5 to 10 minutes a day to complete the written and motivating exercises and all you need to do with regard to food is... WHEN you BITE IT... write it!  NOW let's get ready to have some fun!
Start your E.A.T. Journal Today
and bring a friend for FREE!
— Your Info —
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
 I agree to the Terms of Service, and to receiving SMS updates and emails about class and other special offers.
Item Price
  6 Live Zoom Sessions with Forbes Riley 
                       ($3,000 VALUE)
 Unlimited lifetime access to the ONLINE
 E.A.T. Journal Course ($997 VALUE)
 The downloadable and printable copy of Forbes Riley’s E.A.T. Journal workbook ($97 VALUE)
 Admittance to the Private Facebook Group and community ($497 VALUE)
 BONUS: 1 year access to Forbes Riley’s Mastermind ($997 VALUE)
TOTAL VALUE: $11,588

Hurry! Challenge Starts in:
